Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yummy Shoes

I have been super busy with sit down classes in school right now, so there has been no time for anything!!!!
I did have time to fall in love with these....
xoxox Saga

Friday, March 12, 2010

Macaroons at McDonalds?

Apparently now in France you can get a macaroon with your Big Mac. They are made by the same company that owns Laudree, so they have to be at least be edible. Very cool!
xoxox Saga

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sugar, Sugar, Sugar

Last week in class we made small sugar showpieces. It had to include straw sugar (wood branch), two pulled sugar roses, one stylized flower, casted base, and a ribbon. I tried to make mine black and white, but it wasn't possible because black turns purple when put into sugar. I honestly am not a fan of the way these sugar sculptures look. They just seem so dated. Once I brought it home I smashed on the ground in the alley way. It felt great. :) 

xoxox Saga